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Girl's Life v Boy's Life: "Do you Know When to Shut Up" vs "Jokes to impress"

Whtbout2ndbrkfst’s comparison of the covers of Girl’s Life and Boy’s Life magazines is awfully trenchant and sad. It’d be interesting to do this as a monthly series, and gauge how recurrant this phenomenon is.

If you want to know why gender stereotypes exist, take a good look at the difference between Girl’s Life and Boy’s Life Magazines. While Boy’s Life pushes boys to get outside and explore nature, Girl’s Life tells girls they should be worrying about fashion. While Boy’s Life offers stories of Scouts they can model themselves after, Girl’s Life asks if Facebook is ruining their love life. And, my personal favorite, while Boy’s Life gives it’s readers jokes so they can be the center of attention Girl’s Life posits, “Do You Know When to Shut Up?”

Girl’s Life vs Boy’s Life

(via Amanda Palmer)

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