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This Day in Blogging History: Literacy knuckles; Schneier's election-night math; American Idol for Russian prisoners

One year ago today

Knuckles that promote literacy: Spotted today at a Toronto restaurant: a great, pro-literacy set of knuckle-tatts.

Five years ago today

Bruce Schneier’s election night analysis: Dissect the exit polls, debate statistics, ridicule pundits, advance theories, and–hopefully–repeatedly celebrate. So wherever you are, alone in front of the computer, at a party in front of a television, or at one of the zillions of parties around the country, spend the night here as well.

Ten years ago today
American Idol for Russian prisoners. Prize: freedom: In a grotesque, totally po-mo spin on reality talent shows like “American Idol,” Russian prison officials organized a contest in which prisoners sing their way out of jail.

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