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HOWTO protect yourself from Internet surveillance, EFF edition

The Electronic Frontier Foundation’s Danny O’Brien has ten important suggestions for things you can do right now to minimize the extent to which you are surveilled on the Internet. The most important one for me is number ten:

10. Be an ally. If you understand and care enough to have read this far, we need your help. To really challenge the surveillance state, you need to teach others what you’ve learned, and explain to them why it’s important. Install OTR, Tor and other software for worried colleagues, and teach your friends how to use them. Explain to them the impact of the NSA revelations. Ask them to sign up to Stop Watching Us and other campaigns against bulk spying. Run a Tor node, or hold a cryptoparty. They need to stop watching us; and we need to start making it much harder for them to get away with it.

Ten Steps You Can Take Right Now Against Internet Surveillance

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