Boing Boing Staging

Kickstarting a "Sugar skull spoon"

The Sugar Skull Spoon finally provides a good reason to dip your wet spoon into the sugar-bowl (yuck). Their kickstarter is fully funded, but there’s still time to get one for £8. It comes from London’s Hundred Million, who have a good track record for successfully shipping, so there’s probably a good chance you’ll get what you pay for here.

We spent 6 months perfecting the proportions, developing 3D models and prototypes and discussing manufacturing processes with factories worldwide, to get the idea to the stage it’s at now, primed and ready for Kickstarting! Your pledges of investment will be spent on placing the production order, this includes the stock and materials and also will help pay for freight charges to our warehouse, at which point we can ship out all the lovely rewards you have given so generously for!

Sugar Skull Spoon

(via Colossal)

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