Boing Boing Staging

Spooky fruit and veggie sculptures for Halloween by master carver Shawn Feeney

Sir Evilshot,” Yellow watermelon sculpture. Photo courtesy Invisible Underground.

In the Boing Boing Flickr Pool, Boing Boing reader Shawn Feeney shared some fantastic photographs of works he carved for last night’s 3rd on Third event in Bayview, San Francisco. Check out all the spooky, Halloween-themed fruit & vegetable sculptures here: They’re so beautiful! I love how each has such a distinct “personality.” I want to watch him carve one sometime.

We’ve featured Shawn’s work before in years past:

• “BFF project: drawings of two friends as one person

• “Musicians drawn with instruments as body parts

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Avocado sculpture by Shawn Feeney.

Día de los Muertos sculpture by Shawn Feeney.

A Pumpkin sculpture by Shawn Feeney.

By Shawn Feeney.

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