NSA Video: call to rally in DC on Oct 26 to fight NSA spying

How the Government Tracks You: NSA Surveillance

Tiffiniy from Fight for the Future sez, "If the energy from last night is any indication, the NSA has an onslaught of discontent to contend with. Hundreds of people gathered around 9PM, stopped traffic, and crowded Washington Square Park and the streets of lower Manhattan to launch this video unmasking NSA programs onto the side of an NYU building."

If you want to know how closely the US government is monitoring everything you're doing, you get to find out in this video. If you want to know if you're on a watch list, this video helps you figure that out. The video is spreading on the Internet and is an important part of gathering people for the largest outcry to end NSA mass spying for good. Millions of us disagree with mass spying and want to know how to help. Watch this video, share it, then join us for our next stop at the Oct 26 rally against mass spying in Washington DC. That's where we make sure NSA doesn't get another dime to conduct mass, suspicionless surveillance.

The NSA Video

(thanks Tiffiniy!)