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Mirage Men: the story behind the UFO story

Mirage Men is my friend Mark Pilkington’s excellent book of the story behind the UFO story — a history of disinformation, paranoia, hoaxers, espionage, and weird psy-ops. While researching the book, Mark and his co-conspirators conducted video interviews with kooky ET enthusiasts, conspiracy theorists, and former air force officers whose truths, if you believe them, are far stranger than the fictions you’ll get from most UFO books. The result is a wonderfully weird and provocative feature documentary, also called Mirage Men. After a fantastic reception during its world premiere in England this summer, Mirage Man will have its North American premiere next week as part of Austin’s Fantastic Fest 2013 film festival. Mark and his collaborators John Lundberg and Roland Denning will be in attendance at the screenings! To tease you, above are the first 3 minutes of the film… Mirage Men

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