The Internet Must Go: Colbertesque mockumentary about the quest to kill Net Neutrality

Official Trailer for LEAKED: The Internet Must Go

In John Wooley's hilarious 30-minute mockumentary The Internet Must Go, he plays a marketing shill hired by the big cable operators and phone companies to convince Americans to accept corrupt, non-neutral Internet connections where your ability to reach sites and services online is based on whether your ISP has a deal with the company offering it.

Wooley's playing a Colbert-esque useful idiot, and he never breaks character as he interviews Susan Crawford, Al Franken, John Hodgman, Tim Wu, Larry Lessig, and many others, giving them the chance to play out the arguments for a neutral, fair Internet. The climax is a visit to North Carolina, where the big telcos have successfully gotten legislation passed banning municipalities from offering high-speed Internet, even in towns where the cable and phone companies have no plans to offer high-speed connections.

The trailer is above, the whole movie is below, but do visit the movie's site for action links and more interviews.

LEAKED: The Internet Must Go

The Internet Must Go

(via MeFi)