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Testicle-eating fish spotted in Swedish/Danish waters

Experts from the Danish National History Museum have warned that pacus — a relative of the piranha — have been spotted in the Danish/Swedish Øresund channel. The pacu has been known to bite swimmers, and have been known to attack men’s testicles, because “testicles sit nicely in their mouth.” So men are being cautioned to avoid nude swimming in the channel, though the museum’s Henrik Carl stresses that the risk is not very high, in the grand scheme of things: “You’re more likely to drown than get your nuts bitten off.”

“The pacu is not normally dangerous to people but it has quite a serious bite, there have been incidents in other countries, such as Papua New Guinea, where some men have had their testicles bitten off,” said Henrik Carl, a fish expert at the Danish museum, speaking to The Local, an English-language newspaper in Sweden.

“They bite because they’re hungry, and testicles sit nicely in their mouth,” he told the paper.

Carl was keen to tell swimmers not to worry too much. “You’re more likely to drown than get your nuts bitten off,” he said.

Men in Sweden warned after sighting of testicle-eating fish
[Nick Renaud-Komiya/The Independent]

(via JWZ)

(Image: Rosarinagazo/Wikimedia, CC BY-SA)

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