Boing Boing Staging

Kickstarting a parklet in SOMA's DNA lounge

Jamie “JWZ” Zawinski and the DNA Lounge are crowdfunding a “parklet” — a tiny park inside a former parking-space — out front of the DNA Lounge in San Francisco’s SOMA. The DNA is a treasure, and Zawinski’s plans for the parklet are ambitious and represent a significant improvement to Eleventh Street. They need $10K.

Fuck cars.

Yeah, we said it. Costco came in and built a huge damn parking garage in the neighborhood, so we’ve got no qualms about taking a little space back from the metal monsters just so a few of neighbors have a nice space to sit outside and lock up a bicycle. Eleventh Street has a fairly narrow sidewalk and the entire area is quite popular in the evenings, so we believe this project will serve us all very well in the sunshine or in the moonlight.

What makes this parklet different than the rest?

Parklets have popped up in many areas of San Francisco, but we believe that this parklet will significantly raise the bar. We are using strong materials that will provide a significant barrier between the public seating/standing area and the street. We are investing in materials that will offer a feeling of confidence as you occupy the expanded sidewalk as it spills onto the parklet. This also means that the barrier edge of the parklet is a beautiful sculpture of perceptional manipulation that offers a diverse experience that is almost interactive as you move by on foot, on a bicycle, or in a car.

Parklet on Eleventh Street at DNA Lounge

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