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Zynga sues over "Bang with Friends"

Game clone factory Zynga is planning legal action against the makers of “Bang With Friends”, an app that helps horny Facebookers hook up with similarly needy friends. Joel Rosenblatt, for Bloomberg News:

The company “selected the name ‘Bang With Friends’ for its casual sex matchmaking app with Zynga’s game trademarks fully in mind,” according to the complaint. The application’s name infringes Zynga’s trademark covering games such as “Words With Friends” and “Chess With Friends,” according to the filing.

As gross as Zynga is, the likelihood of confusion here does seem a more credible claim than in the usual barratrous trademark snarl-ups. The name “Bang with Friends” may be a joke, but it isn’t very funny. Or maybe I just need more coffee.

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