Captain America breakfast tortilla and eggs

Chris-Rachael Oseland's "Captain America's Breakfast S.H.I.E.L.D." is a quick and delicious recipe that combines refried beans, salsa, a tortilla, shredded cheese, and an egg to recreate the Captain's iconic shield.

Start by preparing your egg. Heat up your skillet and dab a little olive oil or butter in the middle. While it warms up, add a drop of blue food coloring and a teaspoon of water to a cereal bowl. Crack the egg into it, careful not to break the yolk. Squeeze a couple more blue drops of food coloring on top of the egg. Now swish the whole thing around in the bowl. your goal here is to dye the egg white a nice patriotic blue without cracking the yolk or scrambling the egg.

Put a circular mold (I used a well greased metal cookie cutter) into the middle of your pan. Pour the egg in and let it cook.

If you can’t bear the imperfect color, you can always separate the egg, scramble the blue dye into the white, pour it into the circular mold, then carefully spoon the egg yolk into the middle. I’m not that coordinated first thing in the morning. Swishing the dye around takes about six seconds and half as many active brain cells. Only you know how lucid you are fresh out of bed.

ComicCon Flashback: Captain America’s Breakfast S.H.I.E.L.D.

(via Neatorama)