Defeat UK's Great Firewall of Cameron with Immunicity

As the UK government, courts and entertainment lobbyists turn the national network connection into a termite-riddled mess of blocked and censored sites to rival Iran's "halal Internet," Britons are questing about for a way to get access to the free,open Internet enjoyed by people in countries where censorship is not considered a legitimate response to political problems.

Enter Immunicity, a Web-based censorship-circumvention tookit from the same people who created the Torrenticity anti-censorship system. From a normal Web-browser, Immunicity grants access to the full Internet, without the prior restraint on publication and ubiquitous surveillance welcomed by the cowering British establishment.

Immunicity takes the form of a browser plugin that kicks in when you're trying to visit a censored site, routing your connections through its proxy. It's simple to set up and is only active when it needs to be.

“We are angered by the censorship that is happening in the UK and in other countries across the globe, so we got our thinking caps on and decided to do something about it,” Immunicity’s operators told TorrentFreak.

“We saw that there was a gap in the market for anti-censorship services. VPNs are great but they often require a subscription, Tor is great too but it’s very slow and getting it running just to browse a few torrent sites can be cumbersome. Immunicity is different because it is free and implemented in such a way that the end result is seamless access to previously blocked content.”

Unblock Torrent Sites, Blocked Proxies, & Cameron’s Porn Filter With Immunicity