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14-year-old girl who was called a "whore" for her pro-Choice sign expresses disappointment in adult world

Tuesday Cain is the 14-year-old Texas girl who designed the “Jesus isn’t a dick so keep him out of my vagina” sign that went viral in a photo that showed her friend holding it up in front of the Texas Capitol. She was protesting Texas’s misogynist, retrograde anti-Choice law. Afterward, a number of self-identified Christian opponents of abortion heaped the vilest, cruelest abuse on her, calling her a “whore” and worse. In this editorial, young Ms Cain explains how this made her feel, and reminds us that calling young women “whores” does not make your case for you.

I’m going to be honest about what it feels like to be called that as a 14-year-old girl who has never had sex and who doesn’t plan to have sex anytime soon.

I feel disappointed.

It’s hard for me to understand why adults would be calling me this. It’s hard for me to understand why anyone would use this term for a 14-year-old girl.

It’s not anyone’s business, but as I said, I am a virgin, and I don’t plan to have sex until I am an adult.

But none of those facts make me feel any less passionate about fighting for a woman’s right to choose and the separation of church and state in my home state of Texas.

I’m The 14-Year-Old Who Wrote The “Jesus Isn’t A Dick So Keep Him Out of My Vagina” Sign In Texas And Was Labeled A “Whore” By Strangers Online
[Tuesday Cain/XOJane]

(via Skepchick)

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