Comic-Con 2013 around the web

San Diego Comic Con 2013: Giant Robot Storms-Geek Week-WIRED

San Diego Comic-Con saw the debut of WIRED Magazine's 10-foot, 400-pound cosplay mecha. [Adam Rogers / Wired]

io9 rounds up the best toys of Comic-Con 2013.

USA Today's Bill Keveney hits the Big Bang Theory panel, introduced by physicist Stephen Hawking: "When I'm not playing Words With Friends with Sheldon, I like to think about the universe."

Why was civil rights leader Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga in San Diego? The 1963 March on Washington's youngest speaker is the only sitting member of Congress to write a comic book [CBS News]

The numbers on the business behind Comic-Con, from Reuters: "Consumers worldwide spent about $35 billion going to movies last year and $66 billion for video games, according to independent industry research, while television advertisers
spent $162 billion"

Rolling Stone's Peter Holslin quotes author George R.R. Martin
at the Game of Thrones panel, one of the convention's largest: "I have many characters, so killing a few? There’s always more"

Cylons in the 2000s reboot of Battlestar Galactica were humanoid for budgetary reasons. [Annalee Newitz/io9]

Mike Snider: "World War Z author Max Brooks was genuinely surprised that he liked the blockbuster film adaptation of his 2006 novel."

Lauren Davis reports on footage from the forthcoming Robocop remake: "there was nothing that came close to matching the brilliant dark comedy of Paul Verhoeven's original." [Lauren Davis]