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Edward Snowden's yet-unleaked leaks could be USA's 'worst nightmare,' says Glenn Greenwald (updated)

Glenn Greenwald, the Guardian journalist who was first to publish the documents that former NSA contractor Edward Snowden leaked about the US government’s surveillance programs, gave an interview to the Argentinean daily La Nacion.

“Snowden has enough information to cause harm to the U.S. government in a single minute than any other person has ever had,” he is quoted as having said from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

“The U.S. government should be on its knees every day begging that nothing happen to Snowden, because if something does happen to him, all the information will be revealed and it could be its worst nightmare.”

A synopsis of the interview in English at Reuters.

UPDATE: Greenwald says Reuters misrepresented him; his response is here. Snip:

Like everything in the matter of these NSA leaks, this interview is being wildly distorted to attract attention away from the revelations themselves. It’s particularly being seized on to attack Edward Snowden and, secondarily, me, for supposedly “blackmailing” and “threatening” the US government. That is just absurd.

That Snowden has created some sort of “dead man’s switch” – whereby documents get released in the event that he is killed by the US government – was previously reported weeks ago, and Snowden himself has strongly implied much the same thing. That doesn’t mean he thinks the US government is attempting to kill him – he doesn’t – just that he’s taken precautions against all eventualities, including that one…

And here’s his recap of what revelations about the National Security Agency have come from the Edward Snowden leaks over the past month.

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