Kickstarting final development on Data Dealer, a clever game about online privacy

Data Dealer: Privacy? Screw that. Turn the tables!

Wolfie sez,

A few days before the NSA/Snowden fiasco, we released the first English version of Data Dealer, a game to provoke conversation about surveillance, personal data & online privacy in a really new, clever and fun way. It's a browser game about running your own Smoogle & Tracebook, tracking people, collecting millions of personal profiles and selling them to health insurance companies or governmental agencies. Play 'god' with other people's data! Or simply: PRISM, the Game. It's a nonprofit project, based on extensive research and offers a simple but important perspective on the personal data ecosystem of today's digital age.

In the last couple of weeks we have been mentioned in The New Yorker, ProPublica, Fast Company, Guardian, Mashable, Washington Post, Le Monde and many more. Recently we won the prominent "Games for Change Award" in NYC and other awards in the fields of serious gaming and digital literacy in Austria, Germany and France. We've also been featured by leading privacy & consumer rights organizations.

The game is 100% free to play and even licensed under Creative Commons. But a project like this isn't free to create. Two years in the making, and we've been working hard on it. There are several future partnerships in preparation, but to realize them, we'll have to survive the next couple months. That's why we have launched a Kickstarter for a funding injection. Deadline is on Thursday July 11th:

It's a very worthy project, and they've already done the development; they're looking for $50K to keep the doors open while they finish a deluxe, multiplayer version with a wide variety of exciting features (scroll down the Kickstarter page to "Full Featured Multiplayer Version").

Data Dealer – Legal? Illegal? Whatever.

(Thanks, Wolfie!)