Boing Boing Staging

Kickstarting a portable CNC mill you bring to the job

Handibot is a novel design for a CNC device that you can pick up and carry to the job, allowing you to mill materials in situ. The creators, who’ve blown through their funding goal, have designed a tool that runs off apps on your mobile device that control it, and envision an open-source ecosystem of designs and apps that you can run through your own device.

A $2400-$3000 pledge will get you your own device (assuming that they ship — this is Kickstarter, but then, the makers have a lot of relevant experience in manufacturing that are a good sign). One of the stretch goals will have them shift production to a national, distributed network, allowing people to make Handibots wherever they are — Handibots can be used to make more Handibots.

Handibot: A Smart Digital Power Tool

(via JWZ)

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