Boing Boing Staging

Kickstarting a $400 "appliance" 3D printer

John sez, “Pirate3D have a Kickstarter project for The Buccaneer. It’s a 3D printer, designed to be used as an appliance. Print from an open library of objects on Pirate3D’s servers, submit your own designs, or print .stl files from your computer. There is a smartphone app for manipulating and printing the objects from the cloud librabry. The Kickstarter closes in 4 days.”

The founders have a mixed set of biographical info, but a couple sound like they have real manufacturing experience. Still, crowdfunding caveats apply: they may never make anything. You may never get anything. They use proprietary cartridges, but it sounds like you can use standard feedstock on spools, as well, which should hedge against gouging on consumables.

The Buccaneer – The 3D Printer that Everyone can use!

(Thanks, John!)

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