Brutal police crackdown on protesters in Sao Paolo

Terceiro grande ato contra o aumento da passagem 11/06/13

Diego sez, "Protestors – mainly students – are taking the streets of Sao Paulo. The problem: the government just raised the bus fare from R$3 to R$3,20. The protests are getting a really violent reception from the police. You can see a video of the police action. The problem isn't the 20 cents. I think the real problem is that we are having so many issues of inflation, very high taxes, corruption – 2014 World Cup stadiums being built with public money, costing about $1 billion each pop – so future looks really bleak here. Everything seems to be boiling after this 20 cents. If you ask me, Brazilians are getting tired of being treated as clowns. Tonight (6/13), there's going to be a new protest. People won't stop until they get what they want.
Hopefully, with some international attention, Sao Paulo's police may stop hitting students with their batons and tear gas."