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Petition: Obama, debate Edward Snowden

Holmes from Fight for the Future writes, “We just posted this to “We the People,” the Obama administration’s petition site. 100,000 signatures gets us a response:”

President Obama, you have said that the NSA’s blanket tracking of Americans’ phone calls and collaboration with tech giants “struck the right balance” and that you “welcome this debate”. You must agree that this issue is worthy of your time, and as our president you are the best qualified person to make the case in favor of broad surveillance. To make the opposing case, we can think of no one better than whistleblower Edward Snowden. Like you, he has access to the data showing the tradeoff between securing America and damaging democracy (which at this point the public does not). He speaks with breathtaking clarity, and has left behind a comfortable life, facing death for the strength of his convictions. If you are as strong in yours, you owe him (and us) 1 hour of your time for this.

President Obama, if you believe in NSA surveillance, we challenge you to a live, public debate with Edward Snowden.

(Thanks, Holmes!)

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