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Last chance for an ORGCon2013 ticket!

Ruth from the Open Rights Group writes,

There are still some tickets left for ORGCon2013!

Don’t miss out on a rare opportunity to hear John Perry Barlow speak in London, this Saturday June 8th! John Perry Barlow, co-founder of Electronic Frontier Foundation, will be headlining ORGCon2013 along with writer of The Master Switch, Tim Wu.

Debate the big issues hitting the headlines, including the cry for a Snoopers’ Charter revival following the Woolwich attack, and the calls for new Internet filters in the light of April Jones’ murder. As politicians use the latest tragic news stories as an excuse to regulate the Internet, now is the time to get involved with digital rights!

The final programme has the perfect mix of panel debates, workshops, rapid fire talks and guest lectures! You can look forward to sessions on the Digital Arms Trade, freedom of speech, child protection on the internet, online censorship, copyright, creative citizenship…

Plus, hear from an impressive line-up of speakers including David Allen Green of #twitterjoketrial, Jeni Tennison, Policy Head at the Open Data Institute, Richard Allan Policy Director at Facebook, Diane Duane, Star Trek and Young Wizards writer, and many more!

Individual tickets are priced at £28, £16 for ORG supporters and just £6 for students. FREE tickets if you join ORG today!

Open Rights Group – Join us at ORGCon2013!

(Thanks, Ruth!)

(Disclosure: I co-founded the Open Rights Group and am pleased to serve as a volunteer advisor to it)

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