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Walking Your Octopus: A Guidebook to the Domesticated Cephalopod

Bob Self, publisher of Baby Tattoo, says: “I have a lot of fun publishing books by artists whose work I really dig, but I had extra fun producing Baby Tattoo’s newest (and widest) book Walking Your Octopus: A Guidebook to the Domesticated Cephalopod. The lavishly illustrated book is now available for pet lovers, octopus owners and art aficionados everywhere. Written and illustrated by 16 year veteran Disney story artist Brian Kesinger, the physical ink-on-paper book was designed for those who enjoy the more tactile things in life (a version of the book with fancy metal corners is available exclusively from the publisher). Not to leave out those who prefer their books to be enjoyed electronically, this project also marks Baby Tattoo’s first excursion into the realm of e-books with a spiffy iOS version of the book that includes music and narration.

Walking Your Octopus eBook for iOS | Hardcover

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