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UK Ministry of Justice denies that the court system is to be sold to hedge funds

The UK Ministry of Justice has denied a report in The Times that claimed the courts were to be privatised and paid for henceforth through hedge fund investments made in anticipation of high court fees extracted from wealthy litigants.

While confirming that civil servants are looking at ways of improving the efficiency of the HM Courts & Tribunal Service (HMCTS), the MoJ denied that it planned to outsource all court buildings to a private contractor.

Responding late on Monday night to claims that a sale was actively being considered, an MoJ spokesperson stated: “We have always said we are determined to deliver a courts system that is more effective and efficient and provides improved services for victims and witnesses. The proposals being considered are not the wholesale privatisation of the courts service.

“We are committed to the firm, fair and independent administration of justice.”

MoJ denies it has plans for privatisation of courts service

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