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Doc about Louisiana atheist seeks funding

Bill sez, “Husband-and-wife Berkeley filmmakers Jason Cohn and Camille Servan-Schreiber won a Peabody award for their documentary about design pioneers Charles and Ray Eames, ‘Eames: The Architect and the Painter.’ Now they want to make a film about Jerry DeWitt, a former Pentecostal preacher who went public about his loss of faith, then lost his wife, yet remains in a town described by its mayor as ‘the buckle of the Bible Belt.’ Robert Worth profiled DeWitt’s pain in the Sunday NY Times Magazine last August – whereupon Jason and Camille headed to rural Louisiana to interview him. As their Kickstarter page shows, they need to raise $30,000 in order to convince bigger funders that the project is viable. Sam ‘End of Faith’ Harris donated this week, and they’re more than halfway to the goal.”

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