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My Little Pony fans successfully register a 501(c)3 charity for fannish good works

The Brony Thank You Fund spun out of a Reddit forum Indiegogo fundraiser for fans of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (“bronies” and “pegasisters”). After raising money to run an ad thanking the show’s creators for doing such a great job, the organizers donated the hefty excess balance to Toys for Tots. The project continued to gain momentum and it is now a registered 501(c)3 charitable organization through which fans of My Little Pony can make tax-free donations that will be funneled to worthy causes. They claim that they’re the first media-related fandom to register as a charity — I’m pretty sure that some science fiction conventions are run as 501(c)3s, though.

The Thank You Fund Enters a New Phase

(via /.)

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