Boing Boing Staging

Palm Beach Sheriff warns of terrorists who take pictures of bridges

Matthew says: “Here’s your newest dose of terrornoia: the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office has developed a program called CPAT: Community Partners Against Terrorism, which encourages citizens to report suspicious or unusual behavior in their neighborhoods.”

Possible Warning Signs of Terrorism (@ 2:40)

“Tourists love to take pictures. But what sometimes strikes people as unusual is if they’re taking pictures of a person, and a bridge is in the background, that’s quite normal. For instance, the San Francisco bridge is one that’s photographed every day. But if you’re here in south Florida, and they’re taking picture of a bridge, and there’s no one in the foreground, and they’re taking many many pictures, then the question becomes…why?”

“So, to recap:

“Taking one picture of a bridge with a person in the foreground: OK.

“Taking many pictures of a bridge without a person in the foreground: TERRIST”

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