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Guatemala: "An attempt to decimate the future," Ixil testimony at genocide trial

Skylight Pictures, the team behind “Granito: How to Nail a Dictator,” and “When the Mountains Tremble,” have been here in Guatemala observing and documenting the historic genocide trial against former dictator General Jose Efraín Rios Montt.

Here is Episode #10 of their ongoing series of web updates from the trial, “An Attempt to Decimate the Future.” In this episode, a Maya Ixil woman testifies before the court about sexual violence she survived. In the audience, women cover their heads in solidarity. The woman displaying this incredible act of courage was one of 98 Ixil survivors, men and women, who testified as criminal witnesses in the trial. Proceedings are due to resume tomorrow after several weeks of legal wrangling between lawyers for the defense and various Guatemalan courts.

View more of Skylight’s “Dictator in the Dock” series here.

Below, two additional recent episodes from the series.

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