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Supreme Court says states can limit freedom-of-information requests from out-of-state, Muckrock hacks around it with your help

Michael from MuckRock sez,

The Supreme Court ruled this morning that states have the right to restrict public records access to locals, meaning one more hurdle to would-be muckrakers everywhere. Even in-state requesters are harmed: It means one more bureaucratic hurdle and another excuse for agencies to respond in paper rather than electronically.

MuckRock has helped file requests in all 50 states — important for projects like the Drone Census — and we’re looking for more volunteers to help ensure transparency from sea to shining sea.

States impacted:

* Alabama

* Arkansas

* Delaware

* Georgia

* New Hampshire

* New Jersey

* Tennessee

* Virginia

If you live in one of the above, fill out a simple form and we can help ensure that sunshine isn’t restricted depending on where you live:

To keep filing in all 50 states, MuckRock needs your help

(Thanks, Michael!)

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