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NZ Press Council finds against statement saying "Homeopathic remedies have failed every randomised, evidence-based scientific study seeking to verify their claims of healing powers"

Juha sez, “Amazingly enough, New Zealand’s North and South magazine has lost in the NZ Press Council, after a homeopath filed a complaint against an article that stated:

‘Homeopathic remedies have failed every randomised, evidence-based scientific study seeking to verify their claims of healing powers.'”

“Mr Stuart [a homeopath] supplied the Press Council with a letter from Dr David St George, Chief Advisor on Integrative Care for the Ministry of Health, who advises the ministry on the development of complementary medicine in New Zealand and its potential integration into the public health system. He was not speaking for the ministry in this case but offering a personal view.

Dr St George believed the statement in North & South’s article arose from a misunderstanding of the Lancet study, which had compared 110 published placebo-controlled trials of homeopathy with the same number of published placebo-controlled trials of conventional medical drug treatments. He said most of the 110 homeopathy trials in that study were “randomised, evidence-based scientific studies” which demonstrated an effect beyond a placebo effect. ”

Dr St George said there was no debate about whether there were scientific studies demonstrating homeopathy’s therapeutic benefit but rather, whether those studies were of an acceptable methodological quality.


(Thanks, Juha)

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