Boing Boing Staging

Brian Eno designed hospital room

Brian Eno designed a chill-out room at the private new Montefiore Hospital in Brighton and Hove, UK. It’s meant to be a spot for patients to “think, take stock or simply relax.” Ortopaedic surgeon Robin Turner orchestrated the collaboration apparently after he saw his mother-in-law finally relax while checking out an Eno installation at a local festival. From The Guardian:

NewImageTurner said they intended to examine any physiological changes to people in the Eno room – pulse, blood pressure, anxiety and so on – and there was anecdotal evidence this week when a cancer patient came out and began telling Eno, not recognising him, how wonderful it was. “He wanted a copy of that room at home,” said Turner. “The scientist in me says that’s not very scientific but the human in me says that makes it all worthwhile.”

Surgeon prescribes Brian Eno to patients

(above: Brian Eno, 1974, Wikimedia Commons)

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