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CISPA: Congress wants to create unlimited Internet spying powers – KILL THIS BILL! KILL IT WITH FIRE!

CISPA is the latest Congressional proposal to do something unbelievably horrible with the Internet — this time, it’s letting US law enforcement and intelligence service raid all of your data, all the time, without letting you know, regardless of your service provider’s privacy policy, in the name of preventing “cyberattacks,” whatever they are.

It’s about as horrible as it can be: the House Rules Committee won’t even allow privacy-protecting amendments on the agenda; the bill’s sponsor Rep. Mike Rogers dismisses people who oppose CISPA as 14-year-olds in their parents’ basements; and a bunch of tech companies are lobbying in favor of CISPA because the bill cannily immunizes them from liability for firehosing your personal, sensitive information all over the place.

The sole bright light is this: the Obama White House has taken an uncharacteristically progressive stance on privacy this time around, and has threatened to veto the bill.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation is, as always, the best place to go to find things you can (and should, and MUST) do to kill this insane proposal.

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