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UK Open Rights Group is holding its first ever digital rights conference in the north

Ruth from the UK Open Rights Group sez:

ORGCon North is the first regional conference to build on the success of the national sell-out event, ORGCon, which takes place in London every year.

On Saturday 13th April Open Rights Group, the UK digital rights campaigning organisation, will be running ORGCon North at the Manchester Friends’ Meeting House.

The event is a great introduction to digital rights issues that affect every internet user – like freedom from surveillance and free speech on Twitter and Facebook.

The event runs from 11am till 5pm and is hosted by ORG-Manchester, the local campaigning group.

ORGCon North gathers experts from many technology fields and civil liberties groups across the country debating some of the big issues like: Will copyright eat the internet? Do we have a right to be offensive?

There will be a keynote speech from John Buckman, chair of the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and founder of the independent record label Magnatune. He will be talking about upcoming challenges to digital rights, drawing on his experiences in the UK and US.

Open Rights Group are also offering an ‘unconference track’ with room for anyone to lead sessions or pop up a debate, to build to the conference they want.

Individual tickets are priced at £11 or £6 for ORG supporters. Tickets are free if you join ORG this month.

ORGCon North 2013

(Thanks, Ruth!)

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