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Tesla vs. Edison vs. The Myth of the Lone Inventor

We’re going about this feud all wrong says Matt Novak, who blogs about techno-history at Paleofuture. “The question is not: Who was a better inventor, Edison or Tesla? The question is: Why do we still frame the debate in this way?” Novak asked in a talk yesterday at SXSW. He’s got a damn fine point. The myth of one guy who has one great idea and changes the world drastically distorts the process of innovation. Neither Tesla nor Edison invented the light bulb. Instead, the light bulb was the result of 80 years of tinkering and failure by many different people. Novak’s point (and one I tend to agree with): When we buy into the myth, it gets in the way of innovation today. I’ve only been able to find a couple of small bits from this talk — a write-up by Matthew Van Dusen at Txchnologist and a short video from the Q&A portion where Novak talks about Tesla, Edison, and the Great Man Myth with The Oatmeal’s Matthew Inman. But, rest assured, this is something you’ll see more of at BoingBoing soon.

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