Boing Boing Staging

Kickstarting an anthology of speculative fiction with marginalized people as heroes

Rose Fox sez,

Daniel José Older and I are thrilled to be co-editing LONG HIDDEN, an anthology of speculative fiction from the margins of history. It’s a crowdfunded project; we’ve already made our initial goal, and now we’d love your help reaching our ambitious stretch goals.

Each story will take place between 1400 and the early 1900s and put a speculative twist on real past events, with marginalized people as the heroes. The anthology will be published by Crossed Genres, which has an excellent history of coming through on crowdfunded projects. We also have a tremendous lineup of talented, well-known authors (Beverly Jenkins, Victor LaValle, Nnedi Okorafor, Ken Liu, Amal El-Mohtar, and many others) eager to submit stories, and will be opening submissions as soon as our Kickstarter is funded.

Over 400 generous people have already boosted us past our initial goal of $12,000. Now we’re hoping to push onward to $20,000, which will let us buy ~50,000 more words of fiction–at SFWA pro rates of 5¢/word–and reveal even more voices of silenced dreamers. Further goals include interior illustrations and an audiobook edition.

We’re grateful for each and every pledge, from the $1 “Kickstarter high-five” on up, and we have lots of terrific rewards lined up. If you don’t want to pledge, we hope you’ll consider buying the book when it’s out next year and spreading the word in the meantime. In particular, tell your author friends to send us stories! Open submissions are the original crowdsourcing and we can’t wait to see what we get. We’d love to give some unknown authors their first pro sales, side by side with some of the genre’s brightest stars.

Thanks for helping an awesome project come into being.

Long Hidden: Speculative Fiction From the Margins of History

(Thanks, Rose!)

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