Capacitive gel turns any gloves into touchscreen tappers

Amazing AnyGlove Touchscreen Liquid - Red Ferret Review

The Red Ferret tried out AnyGlove, a capacitive gel you can apply to your gloves or other clothing — once coated, your cloth can be used to operate a touch-screen: "The simple answer is yes it [works]. And very well, although we found that you needed to apply several coats, after drying each one, in order for it to work properly. You also need to make sure you apply enough liquid to soak the fingertip area properly, and don’t forget if you want full pinch zoom multitouch, you’ll need to do a couple of tips. Heavy SMS text users should of course remember the thumb! One of the advantages of the liquid is you can reapply it if the functionality fades after a while, and you can also customize your gloves with just the fingers you need."

AnyGlove – can you really make your favorite gloves touchscreen friendly? Yep! [Review] [Red Ferret]

AnyGlove [Amazon]