Boing Boing Staging

Top Gear for gadgets

In two weeks, Gizmodo and Boing Boing Gadgets alumnus Joel Johnson is going to be on the telly with a new gadget show.

But there’s one area of media that gadgets haven’t yet conquered from the inside out: mainstream television. And that’s why I’m tickled to finally be able to share with you the culmination of over two years of work between the team at Gizmodo and BBC America: the debut of our first hour-long television special, “Gizmodo: The Gadget Testers,” on Monday, March 18th, 2013 at 10:20PM ET.

He’ll be joined by Veronica Belmont, Greg Foot and O.J. Borg, with Joe Brown and Nerdist’s Chris Hardwick reviewing the toys: “I certainly wouldn’t have thought we’d get this chance when I was a fat, smart-ass little blogger sitting in my apartment a decade ago stuffing my face with cheap Chinese food.”

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