Boing Boing Staging

Kickstarter for a cocktail-dispensing robot

Robert Kaye sez, “Among the many standout cocktail-pouring robots on display this weekend at BarBot
in San Francisco was Bartendro, the latest creation by Robert Kaye and Pierre Michael of
Party Robotics. (They’re also the creators of the
Water to Wine watercooler gag featured recently on
Make.) If you’ve ever wanted an open source robot to help you refine your recipe for the perfect margarita, or needed an
extra hand serving drinks at a party, they’ve now launched a
Kickstarter for the
first production run of Bartendro. The duo also released the source code and hardware designs to their creation on
Github for hackers to improve upon the design or create something
new. As a Kickstarter backer, you can get a finished bot in a variety of sizes, or just the parts to try your hand at a
different enclosure, or make your own custom dispenser for reef tank chemicals, epoxy, pancake batter, or almost any liquid.”

Bartendro – A Cocktail Dispensing Robot

(Thanks, Robert!)

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