Boing Boing Staging

Winner of Boing Boing's Noise Pop 2013 contest!

San Francisco’s influential Noise Pop 2013 indie music, arts, and film festival kicks off its 21st year next Tuesday, February 26. The stellar lineup this year includes Califone, Yacht, Toro Y Moi, Grandaddy’s Jason Lytle, Thao & The Get Down Stay Down, DIIV (video above), and dozens more musical performers, along with documentaries, art shows, panels, and other events. Our pals at Noise Pop gave us a pair of badges (valued at $150 each) to get a Boing Boing reader and a pal into all general admission (non-seated) concerts, films, happy hours, the Culture Club day of workshops and creative sessions, and other events during the festival. Noise Pop’s Dawson Ludwig came up with the grand contest idea of asking you to pretend that NOISE POP is an acronym and tell us what the initials stand for. There were a slew of great entries but we managed to pick a favorite! The winning acronym came from Marissa Pike:


noisemakers overtly inject songs effortlessly.

played out perfectly.

Marissa and a friend have scored a pair of Noise Pop 2013 Badges. What fun they will have making the scene next week. Congratulations, Marissa! Thanks to everyone who entered and see you at Noise Pop 2013!

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