Boing Boing Staging

Floorplan for supposed sex-dungeon in Houston's Hotel ZaZa

Remember the potential weirdo sex-dungeon in Houston’s Hotel ZaZa? A reader with inside knowledge writes,

That “two-way mirror” in 322 hangs on the bathroom wet wall for the more spacious suite 321 next door. So in the “secret voyeur room” case, you’d be standing in the bathroom next door and looking through a piping chase full of sanitary and domestic water lines. The bricks are a veneer that they decided to stop at the frame of the mirror. It doesn’t seem like this room was specially built for secret sex shows or whatnot. At least, no more than any other hotel room with potential for pinhole cameras and so on.

I think it really is just an awkwardly placed and sized room, dictated by adjacent suite and service elevator lobby/shaft requirements. (See attached snippet from floor plans.) The associated balcony sits in a corner, so it is in fact larger than the balconies in the adjacent conventional rooms, as the ZaZa rep claims. I have no explanation for why some owner, architect and/or interior designer thought this would be a good theme for a room, though.

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