Boing Boing Staging

Watch the latest hand-picked videos on Boing Boing's video page

We’ve gathered fresh video for you to surf and enjoy on the Boing Boing video page. The latest finds for viewing pleasure include:

• Miguel Alonso built a QWERTY Rubik’s Cube. Looks like fun.

• Baratunde on what net neutrality is and what it means for the average person.

• It’s Carnaval in Brazil! Let Arnold Schwarzenegger explain it to you.

• Little girl hears Bad Brains for the first time. Nails slamdancing cold.

• Supersonic ping-pong-ball gun leaves cartoonish ball-shaped hole in hapless paddles.

• A beautiful timelapse video of Boston’s blizzard.

• Amanda Palmer’s live performance of Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah.”

Boing Boing: Video!

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