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HOWTO make an octopizza

Instructable user DoneDirtCheap posted this “Octopizza” recipe for the site’s fast-food contest.

We eat a lot of pizza. Usually that means we take a blank canvas of soft dough and apply our favorite colors -basil, tomato, cheese, meats, veggies- then cut it into triangl-y pieces and eat the pointy ends first. But what if, this time, we changed neither the canvas nor the paints but the whole approach to eating pizza? How about dipping bread sticks in a cheesy, saucy pizza? Well, that’s pretty good, except that bread sticks are boring. Then Claramecium (my oldest daughter’s Instructables screen name), thought up the Octopizza, complete with pepperoni suckers. I love having kids!

Octopizza Pie: Gruesome and Delicious by donedirtcheap

(via JWZ)

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