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Reportero: documentary on journalist's life in one of the world's deadliest places for news

For a limited time at, you can watch the full-length version of “Reportero,” an incredible documentary film about Jesús Blancornelas and Héctor Félix Miranda’s long-running Mexican newsweekly, Zeta. The environment in Baja California is so hostile — it is certainly one of the most dangerous places in the world for reporters — that the paper is printed across the border in Southern California to ensure its survival, and that of the people who run it.

In Mexico, more than 50 journalists have been slain or have vanished since December 2006, when President Felipe Calderón came to power and launched a government offensive against the country’s powerful drug cartels and organized crime. As the drug war intensifies and the risks to journalists become greater, will the free press be silenced?

More about “Reportero” here.

(HT: Josh Kun)

Zeta reporter Sergio Haro takes photographs for a story.
Credit:Claudio Rocha/Quiet Pictures.

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