What's new in the Boing Boing video archives

We've gathered fresh video for you to surf and enjoy on the Boing Boing video page:

• Geminids Meteor shower: How to watch the big fireworks in the sky tonight.

• Pacific Rim official trailer: Guillermo del Toro does kaiju in Pacific Rim, coming next summer.

• Archer is pretty great.

• A former Beatle jamming with most of Nirvana.

• Beat-Bach-sing: beatboxing to Bach. Teenage pianist meets beatbox-cellist.

• A Wham! holiday classic remixed with an artist dancing erotically on cubes of melting butter.

• There's something funny about the Christmas lights display in Brighton.

• John Lennon, Yoko Ono, and Chuck Berry perform "Memphis" (1972).

• The late Ravi Shankar on the Dick Cavett show, with George Harrison of the Beatles.

• Gravity powered lights, cheaper than solar.

• Portlandia holiday preview video: "Vagina Pillows."

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