Boing Boing Staging

Kickstarting a 360' streaming camera

Jeffrey Martin of the 360 Cities panorama site sez, “Sphericam is my new invention. It is a dedicated 360º video with GPS and live streaming capabilities. Inspired by cameras that are an order of magnitude more expensive, I wanted to build something that any enthusiast could afford.

It has four cameras with fisheye lenses, connected to a device which records synchronized video from all four cameras onto a single memory card or USB stick.

I want 360º video to become mainstream. Did you ever wish you could just stick your camera in the middle of the action, and capture everything at the same time? Now you can. I’m teaming up with Shaddack one of the Czech Republic’s most talented electrical engineers. We’re ready for you!”

The cameras start at $600 for the first 20, then 99 at $900, and up from there (assuming, always, that they make it to production — caveat emptor!). Jeffrey and co have built an impressive team and have a good-looking roadmap on the Kickstarter page, too.

Sphericam — The Easy 360º Video Camera

(Thanks, Jeffrey!)

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