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Benedict Cumberbatch's role in <em>Star Trek Into Darkness</em> revealed! Or is it? [UPDATED]

Paramount just released the first official still from Star Trek Into Darkness with a caption that seems to identify Benedict Cumberbatch’s mystery villain as John Harrison. But — and it’s a pretty big “but” — the name “John Harrison” is actually part of Star Trek backstage lore, and not really the name of any Trek villain. Besides the Starfleet technician Harrison played by Ron Veto, the name was used for several random, unnamed onscreen characters (including redshirts) in several episodes — a placeholder. So, are we being messed with? Is it a case of Trekkie misdirection? Or is this a brand new Star Trek villain? Tor has a few theories that will interest and enlighten. (via Tor)

UPDATE: Movieline’s Jen Yamato attended a press event for Star Trek Into Darkness yesterday and has some news on the “John Harrison” character. In case you really don’t want to know, I’ll leave the information at the link, which also contains some really interesting (and spoilery) theories about some original Star Trek source material that are well worth a read.

Photo credit: Paramount

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