Boing Boing Staging

Stench of rotting whale emanates from near Barbra Streisand's home. Just another day in Malibu.

“Dead Malibu whale decomposing near stars’ homes.” The Los Angeles Times wins the week with the headline for an article about a 40-foot, 40,000-pound fin whale that washed up at Little Dume, a small beach between Paradise Cove and Point Dume State Beach in Malibu. It smells like Whale Death, and the rich and famous bipeds nearby are not amused.

Officials can’t figure out what to do about it, and which agency is responsible. Your suggestions in the comments.

The spit of sand is at the foot of a towering cliff, below Barbra Streisand’s neighborhood that features massive estates of groomed lawns, swimming pools and tennis courts.

No government agency has stood up to remove the whale. By Friday, it appeared the whale might just be left there. The smell, residents said, was slowly fading.

Read the full article at And in related news, a group of Chumash descendants held a ceremony for the deceased cetacean. Ms. Streisand is doing fine.

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