While it doesn't even have a finished script yet, the makers of Anchorman 2 are already talking about adding Kristen Wiig to their cast because when you're making a sequel to Anchorman, you can do whatever you want. The Wrap has broken the story that Wiig might be brought on board to play a love interest for Steve Carell's weatherman Brick Tamland. No word yet on whether or not she will be 1. an idiot just like Brick or 2. the mother of his eleven children, and so far, she is the only new addition to the ensemble. A version of Wiig's apathetic "a-hole" character from Saturday Night Live would be a lovely fit, but a weird genius would also be pretty fun opposite Brick Tamland. Or a stalker, which Wiig has played in animated bunny form. But at least it looks like Brick might finally fall for something that is not an inanimate object, and that's really great news for him! I hope he knows what to do! (via The Wrap)