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Does your family rock? Enter this contest!

This post is brought to you by The New Santa Fe from Hyundai. Think your family rocks? Show us by uploading a photo of your family rocking out. Enter now for a chance to win great prizes.

Do your family values include kindness, sharing, and hard work? That’s nice, but boring. How about loud music, pranks, epic adventures, and intergenerational rabble-rousing? In short, does your family rock? If so, you should enter the Hyundai and Rolling Stone My Family Rocks Contest. All you need to do is upload a photo of you and your kin at your most rocking, along with 500 words or less about you and your family. Prizes include a photo shoot in Rolling Stone, a trip to the Grammy Awards, and a sweet Hyundai Santa Fe “Custom Rock ‘N’ Roller” complete with a flaming paint job!

Hyundai and Rolling Stone My Family Rocks Contest

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