Latvian magazine Ir created a Twitter account written by local birds by covering the keys of an outdoor keyboard with unsalted fat, and using the birds' pecking to generate 100 tweets a day to the @hungry_birds account.
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— Hungry Birds (@hungry_birds) March 17, 2012
Everyone has the right to be heard – that is the main principle of Ir, weekly magazine from Latvia.
That´s why we have fixed the biggest internet injustice of all times and gave Twitter back to original twitterers, the birds!What you see here is being streamed live from Sarnate, a small village on the west coast of Latvia.
We put a layer of unsalted fat on a keyboard. Eating the fat helps the birds to survive the harsh winter days and nights when the temperature can drop to 20C below zero.
@hungry_birds are awake from 05.00 until 16.00 GMT, but they have other daily activities and duties besides eating, so be patient and have fun!